Clark "A" Formula and the Segedi - Kelly modification of the Bachaus Formula

 Formulae 7 and 8. Formula No.7 was at one stage commercially manufactured in the United Kingdom by Kraken

Synthetic or artificial seawater. Recipe for sesalts in aquaria

Calypso Research report

calypso Research report on seawaters for aquaria

HomeHome Acknowledgements Contents List Preface Table 1 Major ions Introduction History Composition Basic Chemistry The Report Knowles Formulae Lyman & Fleming Wiedermann-Kramer Clark 'A' + Segedi-Kelley Clark-Jennings Properties Appendix Glossary Bibliography Conversion Factors Abridged guide Other researchers The Calypso Organization

Keywords for this site include: Synthetic Seawaters for Aquaria and Laboratories, Oceanography, biology, marine aquarium water, seawaters, artificial seawater, chemistry, Laboratories, sea water, FORMULATION, formula, recipe, formulae,